Fall 2014 Newsletter
Porcine Delta Coronavirus PCR Now Offered at ADDL
The ADDL can now diagnose the presence of Porcine Delta Coronavirus (PDCoV) by PCR in any age pigs or environmental samples.
  • Jejunum and ileum, 6-8” segments, fresh (for PCR) and formalin-fixed
  • Spiral colon, fresh (for PCR – package separately from jejunum/ileum)
  • Other samples amenable to testing for PDCoV and PEDv include oral fluids, rectal swabs and feces/colonic contents (fresh chilled for PCR).
Please call the ADDL at 765-494-7440 if you have any questions.
For more information on Swine Enteric Coronavirus Diseases (SECD), including Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv) and Porcine Delta Coronavirus (PDCoV) please see the USDA SECD site: http://www.aphis.usda.gov/wps/portal/aphis/ourfocus/animalhealth and click on “Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus”.
Turkey Coronavirus PCR Now Offered at ADDL
The ADDL can now diagnose the presence of Turkey Coronavirus (TCV) by PCR. Samples to submit from affected turkeys are cloacal swabs, intestinal tissues, or feces.
The cost for this test is $30.00 plus $10.00 accession fee.
Please call the ADDL at 765-494-7440 if you have any questions.
PEDv Pooling Now Available at the ADDL
After analyzing the data from our recent PEDv Pooling Study, pooling of up to 5 fecal samples from a clinically affected swine herd for PEDv PCR has been approved in the ADDL.
When submitting samples for PEDv, please indicate on your submission form if you wish to have fecal samples pooled or tested individually.  All samples will be tested individually unless pooling is requested.
Samples from pools testing Positive or Suspect must be tested individually to identify Positive or Suspect animals.
The cost for PEDv PCR is $30.00 plus a $10.00 accession fee.
Swabs will be tested individually only, as pooling may result in false negative results.
Pooling is not available for PDCoV at this time.
Please call the ADDL at 765-494-7440 if you have any questions.
Indiana ADDL, 406 S University St, West Lafayette, IN 47907. (765) 494-7440
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