W. G. VanAlstine, DVM, PhD
The summer of 1999 has been a busy one for the ADDL faculty
and staff. The serology laboratory was busy with testing
involving the 4-H fairs, which typically triples their caseload
for two months. In addition, they participated in a federal
PRV serology check test and scored 100% on multiple samples
using 4 different tests placing them as one of the most accurate
labs in the country for PRV testing. In October, the bacteriology
laboratory was acknowledged in a National Johnes Workshop
held in San Diego as having scored the BEST in the United
States in identifying Johnes Disease in samples sent
for check testing and received kudos for preparing the best
media for Johnes testing. The toxicology laboratory
was busy with drug testing for performance enhancing
drugs in grand and reserve champion of each animal species
at the 1999 State Fair. Youll be glad to know that
Hoosier animals were drug free. Our computer section continues
to battle the Y2K deadline. Our new computer system should
be up and running by Dec 30 with continued development of
the new system well into the year 2000. Streamlined reports
and online results are some of the options we hope to offer
you in the coming year. We will likely experience some changes
in our email addresses over the next several months and new
addresses can be found on our website which continues to be
located at http://www.addl.purdue.edu/ The ADDL
just completed a five-year external accreditation review site
visit by the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory
Diagnosticians. Initial reports from the visit team were
very encouraging and some recommendations will be forthcoming.
A final report of the accreditation process will not be completed
until February 2000.