Two of ADDLs long time and beloved employees
are retiring this summer.
Necropsy technician
and jack-of-all trades Bob Smith retired as
of June 1, 2001. Bob came to ADDL in March,
1980 and has spent 21 years helping faculty members, graduate
students, veterinary students and ADDL staff with a wide variety
of needs including assisting with necropsies, accessioning
cases, painting, fixing flat tires, building furniture, and
lifting spirits and is responsible for the infamous hooey
stickinitiation for new employees.
Dr. Charles Kanitz, Professor of Veterinary Virology
and Head of the Virology and Serology Sections of the ADDL
isretiring during the summer of 2001. Following four years
in the United States Air Force, Dr. Kanitz returned to Purdue
to earn his DVM degree in 1964, his M.S. degree in 1968 and
his Ph.D. in 1972. He then began building the diagnostic
virology section of the ADDL He was instrumental in the efforts
to eradicate hog cholera, collaborated to develop a vaccine
against pseudorabies and has traveled internationally to offer
his expertise to swine industries. Most recently, Dr. Kanitz
was honored with the Award of Merit from Gamma Sigma Delta.
Both of these gentlemen have contributed immeasurably to
the staff and users of ADDL. They will be missed.
Dr. Charles Kanitz attended the annual meeting of the National
Institute for Animals in Agriculture annual meeting in Colorado
Springs, Colorado,
April, 2001.
Mary Woodruff, Bonita Vera, Ron Gillespie, ChingChing Wu
and Tom Hooper attended the Association of Veterinary Microbiologists
meeting in Minneapolis,
Minnesota, April 2001.
Dr. Leon Thacker attended an instructional course on laboratory
accreditation and assessment presented by the American Association
of Laboratory Accreditors in WashingtonD.C.,
April 2001.
Drs. Leon Thacker, Charles Kanitz, Bill VanAlstine and
Marlon Rebelatto attended the North Central Veterinary Laboratory
Diagnosticians meeting in Champaign-UrbanaIL
, June 2001
The faculty and staff at Purdue ADDL congratulate Indiana
swine practitioners Dr. Max Rodibaugh and Dr.
Larry Rueff on their recent honors.
At their meeting in Nashville,
Tennessee, the American
Association of Swine Veterinarians named Dr. Rodibaugh
2001 Swine Practitioner of the Year.
Dr. Rueff is a recipient of the School of Agriculture
2001 Distinguished Agricultural Alumni Award and received
his honor at an awards convocation at PurdueUniversity