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Fall 2001 Newsletter

Pulmonary paragonimiasis
Enteroviral Polio-encephalo myelitis
Foot and Mouth Disease
Staff News
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 Dr. Cindy Fishman completed her PhD program at Purdue ADDL and Eli Lilly in June, 2001.  She has accepted a position as pathologist  at Merck and Co. in New Jersey.
Dr. MattiKiupel completed his PhD program inJune, 2001.  He is a pathologist atMichigan State University AnimalHealth Diagnostic Laboratory inLansing, Michigan.


ADDL welcomes its new graduate students Drs. Theresa Boulineau,  Alok Sharma and Sandra Schoeniger.
Dr. Boulineau  
Dr. Sharma 
  Dr. Schoeniger


ADDL introduces its newest faculty member, Dr. RameshVemulapalli. In addition to research activities, he will focus on efforts to develop additional molecular diagnostics tests at Purdue ADDL.

Dr. Vemulapalli completed his BVSc and MVSc degrees at the AndhraPradesh Agricultural University and the Indian Veterinary Research Institute, respectively, both in India.  He earned his PhD in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology in 1996 from the University of Maryland and completed postdoctoral study at the Center for Molecular Medicine and Infectious Diseases at Virginia Tech in 2000.

Please join us in welcoming Dr. Vemulapalli, his wife, Dr. Tracy Vemulapalli and daughter Maya to Purdue.




 ADDL  is pleased to announce a new method of obtaining laboratory reports.  Any licensed veterinarian or clinician can access completed reports that have been generated from our VisuaLab Information System from any web browser through ADDL’s web page.  In order to have access, we must set up an account for you.  Log onto our website at:


From there you can fill out an online form or download a form to fill out and fax back to us.

In order to protect the privacy of your patients, we are using a security model that grants access based on clinic location.  You will be able to see all the reports from cases submitted by your current clinic location and nowhere else.

We hope you find this service valuable.

In the 4th quarter of this year, we will be implementing a system whereby reports can be automatically emailed to veterinarians and clinicians.  If you are interested using this service, please send me a note at


-by Steve Vollmer, Systems Manager



Drs. ChingChing Wu and Tsang Long Lin were invited speakers at the 2nd International Symposium on Infectious Bursal Disease Virus and Chicken Anemia Virus in  Rauischholzhausen, Germany, June 2001.

Drs. Leon Thacker, ChingChing Wu, and Tsang Long Lin attended the American Veterinary Association annual meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, July 2001.

Dr. Leon Thacker was invited to speak on international export/import regulations by the Department of Agriculture, Beijing, China, August, 2001

Christina Wilson and Regina Bedel presented papers at the American Association of Analytical Chemists meeting in Peoria, Illinois, June 2001.

Drs. Kaori Sakamoto and Leon Thacker spoke to veterinary students at North Carolina State University on pathology as a career choice in September, 2001.


ADDL-West Lafayette:
406 S. University
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Phone: 765-494-7440
Fax: 765-494-9181

11367 E. Purdue Farm Road
Dubois, IN 47527
Phone: (812) 678-3401
Fax: (812) 678-3412

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