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Winter 1998 Newsletter


Canine Mast Cell Tumors

Equine Herpes Virus 1 Myelo encephalopathy
Feline Heart Worm Disease
Surpulinapilosi coli
Vesicular Stomatis in the Horse
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Vesicular Stomatitis in the Horse

            Vesicular stomatitis is a contagious disease caused by a rhabdovirus.  The two major serotypes are New Jersey and Indiana.  Aside from horses, the virus may affect swine, cattle, goats, sheep, llamas, wild animals and humans.  The lesions include vesicles up to 2 cm in diameter on the mouth and lips and less frequently on the hooves, prepuce and teats.  These vesicles quickly rupture, leaving large painful erosions and ulcers.  Horses may display ptyalism, pyrexia and anorexia.  The rhabdovirus is believed to be spread via insect bite and direct contact, and may have morbidity of 5-10% in affected herds.  Incubation time is 1-3 days and the course of the disease is 1-2 weeks, with solid immunity possible for up to 6 months.  Diagnosis of vesicular stomatitis is based on history, signs, serology and virus isolation.  Histopathology reveals non-specific hyperplasia and edema (intra- and intercellular) of the epidermis, reticular degeneration, spongioticmicrovesicles, focal necrosis and superficial and deep perivascular dermatitis.  Due to the rapid course of the disease, treatment is usually not indicated.  However, mild septic mouthwashes and softened pelleted feed may be used as palliative treatment for the painful ulcers.  Of high clinical significance is its similarity to foot-and-mouth disease, thus making vesicular stomatitis reportable.

            NOTE:  At the time this article was written, areas in Colorado were still under quarantine for vesicular stomatitis in horses.

- by Lisa Wisz, Class of 1999

- edited by Jason Baldwin, DVM


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