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Spring 2007 Newsletter

Rhododoccus equi in a goat
Bone Marrow Fat Analysis
Canine Pheochromocytoma
Feline Inflammatory   Bowel Disease
New Test


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 H. Leon Thacker, DVM, PhD

Good day from ADDL.  It is always great to see Spring arrive, the newness that accompanies it is invigorating.  Along with spring this year, we have been greeted with news of cats and dogs becoming ill and dying from toxic feedings, the etiology of which is yet in question.  As of today, we have had only a few animals submitted with suspicion of death due to ingestion of a suspected commercial diet.  We have not had definitive confirmation of death due to one of the suspected diets, but we have been alert to the gross and microscopic changes reported from other laboratories who have diagnosed the toxic disorder in question.  Our toxicology laboratory has the equipment and the published procedure for identifying the purported toxic agent, but have not pursued specific identification of the compound nor received definitive positive controls.  The IVMA has a well prepared website for reference to the condition that is also linked on our website; updates of findings to come in this disease instance will be posted as they become available.

We have had a major change of personnel in the ADDL.  After 31 years of service to the Laboratory, Dr. Bob Everson, Head Chemist of the ADDL Toxicology section retired February 28, 2007.  Bob and his services will be missed in the Laboratory.  During the time of his tenure here he held several concomitant positions including Chief of Computer Services '81-'86, editor of the ADDL Annual Report '81-'87, Laboratory Safety Chairman and, most recently, ADDL Quality Manager '00-'06.  A search for Dr. Everson's replacement is underway.  Our assistant chemist, Dr. Christina Wilson who has been with ADDL since 1995 and who has recently completed the requirements for the PhD degree, has expressed interest in the position and has submitted application for it.

I would here offer to the users of ADDL services sincere apologies for the delayed ADDL billing for the months of February, March and April.  Purdue University has prepared for some time to change to a new main computer operating system for the campus.  The adjustments to the new system are yet being made and incorporated.  An unavoidable consequence of the initiation of this new system was delay in sending accounts payable from ADDL for a period of three months.  I apologize profusely for this inconvenience; from days of practice I can imagine how much inconvenience this has brought to many of our submitters.  I and ADDL thank you for your patience.

We wish you well for the spring weather and activities; this is a wonderful time of year.  We are soon to be joined by an enthusiastic and most capable graduating Purdue School of Veterinary Medicine Class of '07.  To the Class:  Welcome to the wonderful and exciting world of veterinary medicine; we look forward to assisting you with your diagnostic needs.


ADDL-West Lafayette:
406 S. University
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Phone: 765-494-7440
Fax: 765-494-9181

11367 E. Purdue Farm Road
Dubois, IN 47527
Phone: (812) 678-3401
Fax: (812) 678-3412

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